Short Term, customizable program for
post-secondary students and
professionals ages 18 - 30.
Participants are fully involved in designing their international exchange that combines their professional/vocational goals with Rotary service projects and cultural exchange exposure.
must submit their application is as follows:
The Benefits
- Make connections with service-minded community leaders in another country
- Learn another language or improve your language skills
- Build your professional/vocational knowledge and skills
- Gain international experience and contacts
- Travel and explore a new culture while giving back through service
Exchange Basics
- Can last from a few weeks to no more than six months
- Can be arranged for individuals or groups
- Need not be reciprocal
- Can be completely virtual, in-person, or a combination of both
Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion:
Inbound Fee: $350.00 CDN for the first month and an additional $150.00 CDN fee to the District 5360 NGSE Program. E-transfer funds and email transfer information to the District Office.
Outbound Fee: $250.00 CDN. E-transfer funds and email transfer information to the District Office.
In-person costs vary by distance and program. Participants arrange and pay for their airfare, insurance and visas and provide their own pocket money. Rotary members provide homestay (accommodation and food) to reduce expenses, arrange no-cost, no-remuneration internships or job-shadowing programs, and travel to Rotary service projects.
An experience to share a future of service and peace
The New Generation Service Exchange Rotary program is aimed at involving enthusiastic personalities, who have reached the age of consent - indeed, "young adults" - placing them in an activity mainly consisting of service action, encouraging their professional development and stimulating their social interest.
By participating in the NGSE, with the discovery of a different world from his/her own, each "young adult" becomes a citizen of the world, turning into a promoter and “standard-bearer” of Future of Service and Peace
RI Convention in Houston on
Monday 6 June 2022 on the
virtual exchanges hosted in 2021 and 2022!