Another District 5360 Rotarian recipient of the People of Action Award
This is the second year in a row that a Rotarian from our District has been bestowed with the People of Action: Champion of Impact award. This award is given to only 6 Rotarians worldwide. This year, we celebrate Walley Temple from the Rotary Club of Calgary Downtown. His project "Towards the Elimination of Cervical Cancer in Guatemala" has proven highly impactful in the screening and treatment of this disease. Imagine the honor of being among only six Rotarians who receive the award!!!
Walley's response to the celebration of this award is as follows:
"As you know, it takes a team, the inspiration and help from our (World Community Services) committee, the mentoring from Sonny Belenkie and Barb Young, everyone that makes our club work like you (Manon Mitchell) and Kurt Kowalchuk, and our international and host club and NGO to name a few. I truly share credit with all of you and feel quite humble accepting the award. Thank you "
Esther Brol from the Rotary Club Guatemala La Reforma (the host club of this global grant) states:
“We are so proud to be the host club locally of this global grant! Thanks to Compañero para Cirugía for being the executing entity. We must highlight the leadership, people skills, and professionalism of Liset Olivet - with whom it has been very rewarding and a great learning experience to work with- as well as the hard work of her team, in which Irina Masaya stands out, among others. Thanks also to the board of directors of Compañero para Cirugía. Under the leadership of Walley, the Rotary Club of Calgary, Liset and Irina, this has been possible.
At the Rotary Club Guatemala La Reforma, we are proud to be part of this wonderful effort!!
At the Rotary Club Guatemala La Reforma, we are proud to be part of this wonderful effort!!
You can read the article here.