World Class MSNBC TV Host and Chief Correspondent Ali Velshi will speak at the Calgary West on Monday, June 3rd at 11:45. You must prepay and preregister. Register and Buy Your $30 Ticket By Clicking Here
Ali Velshi will speak at the Calgary West Rotary Club on Monday, June 3rd. The meeting begins at 12:00 but come at 11:45 for our buffet and early seating.
Award Winning Journalist
Ali Velshi is the host of "Velshi" on MSNBC. He is an award-winning journalist, Chief Correspondent for MSNBC, and a weekly economics contributor to NPR's "Here And Now (NPR is like the CBC in the US)."
(Many reading this are former members or club associates. We hope you can make it! It’s important to preregister and prepay
Risks Danger to Get the Story
Velshi has covered significant news stories around the globe.
- Multiple U.S. Midterm and Presidential elections
- Extensive reporting from Israel during the war with Hamas
- Ukraine – Russia War from Central and Eastern Europe
- Syrian refugee crisis from Turkey and Jordan
- The Iran Nuclear Deal in Tehran
The last time Ali spoke to our club he told of being hit by police rubber bullets during the George Floyd Demonstrations in Minneapolis. He also showed us his flack jacket, helmut, gas mask and other safety gear he takes into danger zones.
Topics That Matter
Ali hosts the "Velshi Banned Book Club" on MSNBC, and the "Velshi Banned Book Club" podcast. Velshi is known for his immersive on-the-ground reporting and his interactive discussions with small groups, which form part of his ongoing series, Velshi Across America.
A Canadian in World-Wide Media
Ali Velshi started his media career on CITY TV in Toronto. He went on to BNN and CTV before working as an anchor and correspondent for Al Jazeera America and CNN. He has been nominated for multiple Emmy Awards, and is the recipient of two National Headliner Awards and a Society of Professional Journalists Sigma Delta Chi Award.
(Many reading this are former members or club associates. We hope you can make it! It’s important to preregister and prepay)
Free Zoom option available at
See you Monday at the Grey Eagle!