Our meetings include, Announcements, Guest Speakers, Fun, Fellowship and an amazing buffet at
The Coast Plaza Hotel and Conference Centre.

Meeting Chair: President Brian Carnahan

Guests:Jim Mukherjee, Calgary North Rotary Club Member

Announcements: President Brian encouraged members to sign up online or with Don for our upcoming events.

A motion was made by Christine Rendell to have Perry Cavanagh nominated for District Governor for 2015-2016. Seconded by Wayne Brown, passed unanimously.

Dhiren Bharadia showed us a  You-Tube video on ending polio and presented the following members with Paul Harris Fellows Ram Chahal,

level 1, Christine Rendell level 2 and Brian Carnahan, level 7. Congratulations!



Post meeting Perry showed another video of  of the World Health Organization speaking at the Bangkok International Conference in June 2012.

Reminder that next week's meeting will be an evening event for our 40th Anniversary celebration.