DG Nominations to Serve in 2018-2019
Each year at this time we request that clubs in the District consider presenting a candidate to be District Governor.  A nominating committee of PDGs which I Chair will review all candidates and choose a qualified candidate to be presented as the District’s nominee  at the Annual General Meeting of the District held during the District Conference in May, 2016.  Since the person chosen will not serve until 2018-19, he/she will actually serve on the District Board first as DG Nominee and then as DG Elect.
As well as following the rules of choosing candidates as set out by Rotary International, we are also bound by the Bylaws established to govern our District by Industry Canada.  Where there is a conflict, the Bylaws of Industry Canada prevail.  The only significant point of difference is that a club, by resolution of the Club membership, can present an alternate candidate for District Governor at the AGM.  When this happens there will be a vote.  If no other candidates are presented by clubs, the nomination presented by the District Nominating Committee will be Acclaimed.  Candidates presented by clubs must be submitted to the District Secretary at least 14 days ahead of the AGM to allow for information to be put together about the candidate for the membership.  The Nominating Committee’s choice for the DG role in 2018-19 will be presented to the membership no later than February 1, 2016.  Click to review the Bylaws of Rotary District 5360 Inc..  Refer to Number 7 and in particular 7(e).
An application form for Candidates being proposed must be into the District office by December 1, 2015.   RI specifies the qualifications of Rotarians nominated for DG in Bylaws of Rotary International item 15.070.
Key points include:
  1. A proposed Rotarian must have been a member for 7 years.
  2. Must have served as a Club President.
  3. The nominee must be approved by the Club’s membership and must agree to stand.
  4. There are several other qualifications which can be reviewed in the District Bylaws mentioned above as well as by reviewing the Bylaws of Rotary International as mentioned above.
Please note: The RI bylaws prohibit any effort by a candidate, a candidate’s supporter, or any Rotarian to influence the selection process in a positive or negative manner, including but not limited to campaigning or canvassing.  Our District Secretary will supply information on all nominees to voting members of the District.
I look forward to receiving your candidates for consideration by the Nominating Committee.  We know there are many well qualified Rotarians who would do an excellent job as DG. 
PDG Fran Leggett, Chair, Nominations Committee